
Josiah's Antiques and Treasures

Always Buying Comics, Vintage Toys & Antiques

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about us 1

Thank you for looking at my store page!!  

I started this business almost 7yrs ago and its primary goal was to sell fine antiques.  I added pop culture toys to my store because i grew up in the 80s and 90s when toys were so diverse and some of the best cartoons and shows were produced.  In my shop you will find fine antique Victorian glass, lamps, clocks, stoneware, beautiful music boxes, Russian lacquer boxes of every shape and size, bronze statues, inkwells, statues, fine original art, amazing high end furniture, duck decoys, pocket watches, cinnabar, and so much more.  

My store also offers pop culture items, comics, toys, trains, model kits, friction toys, and so much more.  

My shop does not offer reproductions or repurposed items.  Everything in the store is hand selected by myself and must pass the highest scrutiny. 

I am always buying collections, toys, comics, and unique items.  

Address: 101 1st Ave W #1, Dyersville, IA 52040

Phone: 563-580-7283

Email: josiahwurm@gmail.com

Store Hours

Saturday 10-5

By Appointment all other days
